Warmup Laps :

2 court laps like this :
1 large in « duck »,
1 long in slide steps,
1 large in « frog » (inflexions-extensions),
1 long in crossed steps.
Once arrived on the start point doing an « Japonese Rallye » (riding to lines).

Hunter & Bunny :

On a half court : 1 player are « the hunter » he must touch the other (bunnies) who don't move after contact.
The free bunnies must liberate their friends by this ways :
Jump over the companions,
Or by diging under their legs (most adapted to the volleyball practice)

The 7 workshops Circuit :

4 mn to each exercices.
1/ Stretching,
2/ Impulsion work,
3/ Abdominals works,
4/ Medecine Ball,
5/ Agility jump,
6/ Elastic and rope jurm,
7/ Sprints.